SUBJECT: [This week] Complimentary chronic pain & inflammation eBooks + 48 expert talks unlocked all weekend
This is your last chance to unlock these COMPLIMENTARY gifts from Jane Hogan about pain-free living. In them, you’ll learn strategies to release chronic pain using the mind, body and breath so you can become an empowered creator of your own health – add them to your virtual medicine cabinet to learn at your own pace!
+ Breathe Away Pain One-Page Mini-Class from Jane Hogan
+ Pain-Free by Design eBook from Jane Hogan
+ Make Mornings Matter eGuide from Jane Hogan
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain from HealthMeans
—>>Unlock these 4 healthy gifts (and other eBooks below) now!
I encourage you to do so —>> when you do, you ALSO UNLOCK a ton of other free resources from last week’s Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain, including:
+ 12 eBooks from other health experts (titles below!)
+ 48 incredible expert talks this weekend!
+ It’s encore week (and weekend) at Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain!
You can start reading (and downloading) these eBooks now:
+ Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Cause of Chronic Pain eBook from HealthMeans
+ 101 Natural Health Remedies Secrets eBook from 365 Daily Health
+ Beating Back Pain: Learn to Use Your Body to Overcome Pain eBook from Dr. Yoni Whitten
+ The Microbiome: Beyond Gut Health eBook from Joe Rignola
+ Improve Your Posture in 2 Weeks from Margie Bissinger
+ Improving Your Sleep Hygiene from Dr. Darin Ingels
+ Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation & Remedy Guide from Dr. Eric Zielinski
+ Healing Habits from a Functional Medicine Physician eBook from Dr. Rob Downey
+ The Role of Interference Fields in Healing Chronic Pain and Illness eGuide from Dr. Christine Schaffner
+ Power of Intention: Heal Yourself, Heal the World eGuide from Lloyd Burrell
+ The Herb that is Kryptonite to Pain eBook from Adam Roth
+ The Leaky Gut Solutions eGuide from Dr. Peter Osborne
These assets are all about giving you knowledge about good health.
—>Click here to unlock the eBooks (and reserve your seat) for the encore of Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain!
Then, this weekend (starting at 10am US Eastern on Saturday) find time to attend Encore Weekend at Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain and empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to live a pain-free, active life!
Take advantage of this health information by clicking the link below:
—>Unlock your complimentary eBooks today and then join me this weekend for the encore of this important health event. It’s totally free!
Warmest regards,
P.S. I encourage you to find time in your schedule to download these eBooks ASAP, since they disappear once the event ends, then enjoy the replay this weekend — you’ll see how incredible this event truly is!