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Imbalances caused by cholesterol-lowering drugs can be corrected with supplementation

by | Nov 9, 2016

By Valerie Robitaille

While prescription drugs are necessary and life-saving in many cases, the delicate balance of vitamins, minerals, hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes are all effected by their overuse, and have serious consequences.

The class of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins deplete CoQ10 – a vital nutrient that gives your cells energy, particularly the heart, brain and muscles. Of course you would do well to supplement with but not all vitamins are created equal, and CoQ10 must be highly absorbable to do any good.

The class of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as bile-blockers interfere with vitamins A,D,E and K, and possibly essential fatty acids – all fat-soluble nutrients, not just cholesterol, calcium, carotene, electrolytes, folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron. Are you on an excellent multi vitamin/mineral supplement replete with these vital substances? Bile-blockers also cause constipation in 50% of people taking them. Are you getting enough fiber (25-30 grams per day)? Do you drink plenty of water (8 glasses per day)?

Vitamin D deficiency can result in skin rashes, irritations on the tongue and other sensitive areas of the digestive tract, and poor bone formation (osteoporosis) and liver dysfunction.

A deficiency of vitamin E can be a direct cause of heart disease (which is what the drugs are meant to prevent), and vitamin K deficiency increases the tendency to bleed, which causes a problem if you are on blood-thinning medication.  A deficiency of the B vitamins and magnesium harm artery walls and weaken the heart muscles. (Rancid and hydrogenated oils are also very toxic to the heart; lack of exercise, high stress levels and depression all contribute to heart disease.)

People that eat a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and high-quality protein don’t develop heart disease as readily as people not eating in a healthful way. This is because these foods are highly nutritious, supplying vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. Are you taking anti-oxidants?

There are many more interactions of cholesterol-lowering drugs, too numerous to name here. And while I realize that high cholesterol levels are found in heart disease, most nutritionists maintain this is but a symptom of the disease, not a cause. High cholesterol is symptomatic of many other diseases as well, and is caused by an underlying nutritional deficiency, dietary intake and lifestyle.

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