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Bhringaraj Oil, Organic 12 oz

Bhringaraj Oil, Organic 12 oz

• Supports healthy hair growth
• Promotes natural hair color and luster
• Cooling rejuvenative to calm excess pitta
• Supports a calm mind, healthy skin, and a clear complexion

This soothing oil delivers the powerful hair strengthening qualities of the Ayurvedic herb bhringaraj in an organic sesame oil base. Balancing to all three doshas, bhringaraj’s cooling nature particularly addresses pitta, which is often at the root of hair issues such as premature greying and hair loss. While it also can be helpful in clearing pitta from the nervous system and skin, it is best known as a powerful hair oil. Traditionally used to encourage healthy hair growth and better sleep, it also cools the head and calms the mind, making it an excellent choice for massaging the scalp and feet.

For scalp massage, warm the oil (if desired) and apply to the hair and scalp in sections to avoid dripping. Then, massage the scalp in small, circular motions with even pressure. For times when a full scalp massage is not possible, adding even a few drops to the hair can be beneficial, particularly for taming frizz.

Ingredients: Sesame Oil, Bhringaraj. Certified Organic.


Castor Oil, Organic 16 oz

Castor Oil, Organic 16 oz

Nothing else quite compares to the unique qualities of organic castor oil. Rich and viscous, its texture is thicker than many other oils. Within its density lies a powerful capacity to attract and retain moisture—delivering hydration to your skin, hair, and cuticles with an extra intensity. It is commonly used for castor oil packs because of its ability to deeply penetrate multiple layers of the skin. This natural benefit makes it an excellent massage oil for areas of the body that crave comfort and relief. Our castor oil is expeller pressed, hexane-free, and 100% certified organic.

Ingredients: Certified Organic Castor Oil


Daily Massage Oil 12 oz

Daily Massage Oil 12 oz

For All Body Types

• Balancing for vata, pitta, and kapha
• Good choice when constitution type is unknown
• Good for complex constitutions and imbalances
• Rejuvenates the body and calms the mind

Full body massage is one of the most powerful techniques used in Ayurveda. Massage done with warm herbalized oil brings lubrication and oleation to the body while also grounding the nervous system and providing the tissues with the benefits of herbs that are cooked into the oil. Daily Massage Oil is formulated to balance all three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. This makes it a good choice if you do not know your constitution or if you have a complex constitution or imbalance. The base uses both warming and cooling oils to allow the oil to have a simultaneous penetrating and soothing effect. The traditional cooking process then brings together powerful Ayurvedic herbs like guduchi to soothe and rejuvenate; bala to strengthen; and arjuna and tulsi to invigorate, promote circulation, and support the lymphatic system.

This blend not only supports the physical body but also calms and steadies the mind with brahmi/gotu kola and bhringaraj. Finally, the oil is also pleasing, soothing, and revitalizing to the senses and spirit with a light hint of lemon verbena and lavender.

Ingredients: Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Brahmi/Gotu Kola, Guduchi, Bhringaraj, Bala, Arjuna, Tulsi, Lemon verbena, Lavender flowers.


Kapha Massage Oil 4 fl oz

Kapha Massage Oil 4 fl oz

Invigorating. Warming. Revitalizing.

• Invigorating herbs that warm and revitalize kapha
• Stimulates the body and sharpens the mind
• Promotes energy and vitality
• Renews the spirit and instills lightness of being
Formulated in a base of organic sesame and sunflower oils, this invigorating Ayurvedic oil blend contains nine organic herbs including punarnava, chitrak, calamus, and rosemary. This energizing blend of herbs is activating and mobilizing, vital for balancing kapha. Vigorous massage with warm herbalized oil reduces kapha by promoting mild sweating, stimulating circulation and cleansing the system. Experience the revitalizing and renewing benefits of Kapha Massage Oil during your daily routine.

Kapha dosha is composed of the elements earth and water. Its main function is stability and structure in the body. Kapha forms the substance of the human body, from the skeleton and organs to the fatty molecules (lipids) that are vital for existence. A stimulating and invigorating massage with this herbalized oil can balance kapha, keeping things moving and bringing energy to the individual.


Pitta Massage Oil 12 fl oz

Pitta Massage Oil 12 fl oz

Calming. Cooling. Soothing.

• Cooling herbs that calm and soothe pitta
• Relaxes the tension associated with pitta
• Softens the skin while providing a buffer from the irritations of daily life
• Promotes clear, healthy skin

This aromatic Ayurvedic oil is a cooling blend of nine organic herbs, including brahmi/gotu kola, guduchi and manjistha, in a base of sesame and sunflower oils. These herbs are traditionally used in Ayurveda to address pitta by removing excess heat while relaxing the tension associated with pitta. A daily self-massage benefits the skin, where pitta tends to accumulate, supports healthy circulation and helps move toxins out of the system. Experience the soothing benefits of Pitta Massage Oil.

Pitta dosha is composed of the elements fire and water. Transformation in the body always requires pitta: digestion, metabolism, temperature maintenance, sensory perception, and comprehension. Pitta tends to be driven and ambitious and benefits from the break provided by a soothing massage, which is enhanced by the cooling and cleansing qualities of the herbs found in Pitta Massage Oil. Pitta also holds tension in the muscles and is relaxed by the therapeutic touch of a warm oil massage.

Ingredients: Sesame oil, Sunflower oil, Brahmi, Guduchi, Shatavari, Manjista, Passionflower, Licorice, Coriander, Musta, Lavender.


Vata Massage Oil, Organic 12 oz

Vata Massage Oil, Organic 12 oz

Relaxing. Warming. Grounding.

• Warming herbs that nourish and ground vata
• Supports vitality and vigor
• Lubricates and supports a vata system
• Promotes calmness and strength

This rejuvenating Ayurvedic oil is a synergistic blend of nine herbs, including ashwagandha, bala, and passionflower. The certified organic herbs nourish and ground vata, supporting vitality and vigor. Vata Massage Oil is made from a base of organic sesame and olive oils. These oils warm and lubricate the delicate vata system. Ayurveda highly recommends a daily self-massage to restore calm and provide strength.

Vata dosha is composed of the elements air and space. Any motion in the body requires vata: swallowing, breathing, nerve impulses, muscle movements, thinking, bowel movements, urination, and menstruation. Vata benefits particularly from grounding and nourishing support, provided both by the oil itself and the warming herbs. Vata also benefits from regularity, especially a daily self massage with warm oil. The gentle pressure and firmness of massage grounds vata and brings stability.

Ingredients: Sesame oil, Olive oil, Ashwagandha*, Bala, Shatavari, Passionflower, Bhringaraj, Licorice, Lemon Verbena, Tulsi, Valerian.


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