Dr. Rodger Murphree has put some amazing work into the Super Healthy Lungs Summit, which starts this Monday with 43 lung health experts.
Tens of thousands will learn from the expert wisdom so important to protecting your respiratory system and keeping your lungs strong and healthy – at any stage in life.
Many of us take the health of our lungs for granted until there is a problem, but the pandemic has shown us just how vulnerable our lungs are to infectious diseases and with long hauler syndrome, their potential long-term effects.
And if you have underlying respiratory issues – asthma, COPD, allergies, chronic lung infections, lung cancer – the fear of not being able to breathe is a real concern.
Now more than ever, the importance of healthy lungs can’t be overstated – anything that compromises your lung function compromises your health.
Join me to discover what you can do to keep your lungs healthy and boost your overall health! (See complementary registration gifts below)
The Super Healthy Lungs Summit experts are here to teach you about:
- Healthy breathing tips & practices for healthy lungs
- Common triggers & pollutants that compromise your lung health
- Role of stress & inflammation in lung conditions
- COVID-19 prevention & treatment strategies
- Functional & holistic medicine long hauler protocols
- Lung cancer prevention strategies
- Traditional Chinese medicine & other holistic modalities for preventing & treating viral infections
- And more!
Learn about pollutants, toxins and detoxification strategies for healthier lungs when you attend this complimentary, online event!
+ Natural Protocols for Super Healthy Lungs, Dr. Rodger Murphree
+ A Functional Medicine Approach for COVID and Long Hauler Prevention, Dr. Rob Downey
+ Orthomolecular Medicine Protocols for COVID and Long Hauler Syndrome, Dr. Thomas Levy
+ Preventing Infections with Ayurvedic Medicine, Karta Purkh ‘KP’ Khalsa
+ Causes and Treatments for Long Hauler COVID Syndrome, Dr. Evan Hirsch
+ Chinese Medicine Approach for Preventing and Treating Viral Infections, Dr. Christopher Motley
+ Functional Medicine Protocols for COVID and Long Hauler Syndrome, Dr. Jen Phleghaar
+ A Homeopathic Look at COVID, Robert Scott Bell
Having lost both parents to lung-related illnesses, and battling childhood asthma and pneumonia himself, your host, Dr. Rodger Murphree, knows what it is like to struggle to breathe. He created this event because he sees a current need for people to understand how their lung function can be protected and corrected.
Plus, when you register now, you’ll also unlock these complimentary gifts:
+ What You Should Know About Mold Toxicity eGuide from Dr. Rodger Murphree
+ Self Help Detox Protocols eGuide from Dr. Rodger Murphree
+ Which Diet is Right for YOU? eBook from Dr. Rodger Murphree
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from the Super Healthy Lungs Summit from HealthMeans
+ 12 Practical Ways to Support Your Immune System eBook from HealthMeans
See you at this important learning event!
Kind regards,
P.S. Be sure not to miss these expert talks, complimentary gifts and, if you’d like to keep these talks in your health library, take advantage of the pre-event prices before Monday!
Download Complimentary Gifts