The United States gives infants under the age of one year 26 doses of vaccines—the highest number of vaccine doses of all nations.
Why Is The Carcinogen Benzene in Hand Sanitizer?
Benzene is a known human carcinogen, yet still ranks in the top 20 chemicals used in the U.S., based on production volume. Despite its known toxicity, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued temporary guidance in March 2020, allowing it in hand sanitizers.
FDA Aims at NAC, Mechanism of Action of NAC (video)
NAC is crucial to lowering the severity of the illness and reducing the risk of long-haul symptoms. NAC is a precursor to glutathione and evidence suggests those with a glutathione deficiency have worse outcomes with COVID-19.
Microsoft conspiring with pro-Monsanto group “NewsGuard” to censor ALL anti-GMO news on mobile devices
NewsGuard has no legal authority to actually question anyone — let alone label them as trustworthy or untrustworthy. Don’t want to play ball with the corrupt left-wing’s agenda? They’ll brand you with a scarlet letter anyways.
Doctor punished for giving vaccine exemptions to children with high risk of vaccine brain damage
“It alarms me to see any medical board questioning exemptions that are given to families who have suffered severe vaccine reactions. It should alarm everybody. More doctors need to stand up for their patients, especially the ones who are the most vulnerable. I’m going to continue to stand for these children,” Dr. Sears wrote.
Imbalances caused by cholesterol-lowering drugs can be corrected
I realize that high cholesterol levels are found in heart disease, but nutritionists contend this is but a symptom of the disease, not the cause. High cholesterol is symptomatic of many other diseases as well and is caused by an underlying nutritional deficiency, dietary intake and lifestyle. A deficiency of the B vitamins and magnesium harm artery walls and weaken the heart muscles. Rancid and hydrogenated oils are very toxic to the heart. Lack of exercise, high stress levels and depression all contribute to heart disease.
High cholesterol, statin drugs and CoQ10
While statins have probably saved many, many lives, for some people the quality of life can be mildly or seriously diminished due to the drugs’ side effects. These include muscle inflammation resulting in mild to severe aches and pains, cognitive problems such as speech and memory loss, and statin induced diastolic dysfunction which weakens the heart’s pumping ability causing fatigue.
Good marketing does not necessarily mean good health
I remember the first time I saw a prescription drug advertisement and thought it was very strange. Weren’t the health professionals the ones we depended on to know what we needed, the ones that had the education behind them to help us? Isn’t that why we have such high health care costs in the United States – because we are paying for knowledge and advanced technology? Or is it because the drug companies are spending millions on advertising? When did the roles get reversed where we would go to the doctor and say, “I need to take this drug”?
FDA approves its first marijuana-derived drug
In a nationwide first, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the use of ‘Epidiolex’, a marijuana derivative which will be used to treat rare forms of epilepsy. Epidiolex — also known as cannabidiol or CBD — is a highly-purified version of the many psychoactive compounds found in marijuana, and does not result in a high.