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Pitta Massage Oil 12 fl oz

Pitta Massage Oil 12 fl oz

Calming. Cooling. Soothing.

• Cooling herbs that calm and soothe pitta
• Relaxes the tension associated with pitta
• Softens the skin while providing a buffer from the irritations of daily life
• Promotes clear, healthy skin

This aromatic Ayurvedic oil is a cooling blend of nine organic herbs, including brahmi/gotu kola, guduchi and manjistha, in a base of sesame and sunflower oils. These herbs are traditionally used in Ayurveda to address pitta by removing excess heat while relaxing the tension associated with pitta. A daily self-massage benefits the skin, where pitta tends to accumulate, supports healthy circulation and helps move toxins out of the system. Experience the soothing benefits of Pitta Massage Oil.

Pitta dosha is composed of the elements fire and water. Transformation in the body always requires pitta: digestion, metabolism, temperature maintenance, sensory perception, and comprehension. Pitta tends to be driven and ambitious and benefits from the break provided by a soothing massage, which is enhanced by the cooling and cleansing qualities of the herbs found in Pitta Massage Oil. Pitta also holds tension in the muscles and is relaxed by the therapeutic touch of a warm oil massage.

Ingredients: Sesame oil, Sunflower oil, Brahmi, Guduchi, Shatavari, Manjista, Passionflower, Licorice, Coriander, Musta, Lavender.


Vata Massage Oil, Organic 12 oz

Vata Massage Oil, Organic 12 oz

Relaxing. Warming. Grounding.

• Warming herbs that nourish and ground vata
• Supports vitality and vigor
• Lubricates and supports a vata system
• Promotes calmness and strength

This rejuvenating Ayurvedic oil is a synergistic blend of nine herbs, including ashwagandha, bala, and passionflower. The certified organic herbs nourish and ground vata, supporting vitality and vigor. Vata Massage Oil is made from a base of organic sesame and olive oils. These oils warm and lubricate the delicate vata system. Ayurveda highly recommends a daily self-massage to restore calm and provide strength.

Vata dosha is composed of the elements air and space. Any motion in the body requires vata: swallowing, breathing, nerve impulses, muscle movements, thinking, bowel movements, urination, and menstruation. Vata benefits particularly from grounding and nourishing support, provided both by the oil itself and the warming herbs. Vata also benefits from regularity, especially a daily self massage with warm oil. The gentle pressure and firmness of massage grounds vata and brings stability.

Ingredients: Sesame oil, Olive oil, Ashwagandha*, Bala, Shatavari, Passionflower, Bhringaraj, Licorice, Lemon Verbena, Tulsi, Valerian.


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