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Thyroid tests: 50 years of fraud

Thyroid tests: 50 years of fraud

“…marketing, and its influence on medical education, led to the false idea that the standard Armour thyroid USP wasn’t properly standardized, and that certain thyroxine products were; despite the fact that both of these were shown to be false.”

Monsanto’s scrambling to bury breaking story about what’s in most of our food? Not a surprise

Monsanto’s scrambling to bury breaking story about what’s in most of our food? Not a surprise

On their website, the company says that they have a “very clear and principled code of conduct – one we expect all employees, contractors and management to live by every day. We operate under a genuine value system—our pledge—that demonstrates integrity, respect, ethical behavior, perspective and honesty as a foundation for everything we do. “
But actions speak louder than words, and Monsanto’s legacy has been steeped in controversy and coverups for more than a century. The stories exposing such truths on the company continue to go underreported, however, which is why the most recent corrupt actions by the company must be shared.

Almost no children in France are medicated for ADHD

Almost no children in France are medicated for ADHD

Big Pharma has played a significant role in manufacturing the ADHD epidemic in the U.S., convincing parents and doctors that ADHD is a common problem amongst children and one that should be medicated. However, many countries disagree with the American stance on ADHD, so much so that they have entirely different structures for defining, diagnosing, and treating it.

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