Cleanses the liver, dissolves kidney stones, and kills cancer cells…
The healing tradition of fasting
What do Jesus, Muhammad, and the Buddha all have in common? They each turned to a particular...
Honey and water mixture may be a powerful weapon against hospital infections
Sometimes it's the simplest things that make all the difference for health, and researchers from...
Homeopathic Treatment of Arthritis
The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat arthritis but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.
Bone Building Juice (Recipe)
Directions: Add spinach, cabbage and cucumbers to vegetable juicer. Add avocado and juice in blender and mix together on lowest setting. Consume immediately. Also, New Greens Superfood Drink.
Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Dirt Makes You Happy
There’s a natural antidepressant in soil. Mycobacterium vaccae is the substance under study and has indeed been found to mirror the effect on neurons that drugs like Prozac provide. The bacterium is found in soil and may stimulate serotonin production, which makes you relaxed and happier.
17 health benefits of cayenne pepper
Cayenne is a known circulatory stimulant. It increases the pulse of our lymphatic and digestive rhythms. By heating the body, the natural process of detoxification is streamlined. Cayenne also induces sweating—another important process of detoxification. Combined with lemon juice and honey, cayenne tea is an excellent morning beverage for total body detox.
Reversing Disease with AcuEntrainment and AcuPressure
Many studies have proven the Meridian system but one of the most popular was conducted by French Physicians Jean Claude Darras, MD and Professor Pierre de Vernejoul. They injected the isotope tracer Te99 into the acupoints of volunteer patients and then monitored the tracers movements using a gamma imaging camera. The tracers traveled along the exact meridian lines within minutes after injection. To challenge their findings, they injected non-meridian points, finding that the tracers simply pooled up and remained in the same spot. Interestingly, tracers flowing through diseased parts of the body slowed down dramatically or stopped – compared to a fast flow around healthy parts of the meridian system.
Cure Arthritis Naturally
Arthritis is a broad term which we use to describe a group of over 100 diseases that affect these areas of the body. Wherever there is a problem involving inflammation around the joints and associated discomfort in movement, we refer to it as arthritis despite the multiple different causes that can lead to this. The other common name that is used in the same broad fashion is rheumatism.