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ENCORE SUBJECT: 39 trauma expert talks + experiential workshops [unlocked all weekend]

At this health event, we learned that your body can get stuck in trauma, preventing access to your innate healing abilities.

Listen to the encore of The Biology of Trauma 2.0: Beyond the Diagnosis now when you register! 

SUBJECT: Your front-row seat to Infections: Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols

Dr. Christopher Motley has put some amazing work into Infections: Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols, which starts this Monday with 32 root cause medicine experts on infections –> Join me when you register now!

Tens of thousands will learn from the expert wisdom so important to keeping your immune system strong!

You should be there. Here’s why. When struggling with chronic illness – parasites, Lyme disease, mold toxicity, recurrent infections – finding truly effective solutions can seem impossible.

Discover an integrated approach to help you achieve whole body health.

Infections: Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols will explore:

  • Traditional Chinese medicine basics: organs, body systems, emotions & energy
  • How chronic infections affect your immune system
  • Importance of mindset in healing chronic infections & disease
  • Setting the terrain for a healthy immune system
  • Role of mold illness in chronic infections & immune challenges
  • Common symptoms & infections in the mouth
  • Supplements, food & digestive support to help heal gut infections
  • How chronic infections & toxicity create autism & autism-like behaviors
  • How SIBO perpetuates infections
  • Surprising new insights into Candida infections
  • Role of parasites in chronic disease
  • How to advocate for your health
  • And so much more!

Have you seen dozens of doctors for countless (always changing) symptoms?

Unlock the secrets and ancient practices that can help you achieve whole-body healing and get you back on the road to vibrant wellness!

Enjoy learning from these chronic infections experts on Monday:
+ Parasite Epidemic: What You Need to Know to Heal, Dr. Christopher Motley
+ How Parasites Impact Overall Health, Dr. Jaban Moore
+ Parasites, Dr. Jess Peatross
+ The Role of Parasites in Chronic Disease, Dr. Todd Watts
+ How Chronic Infections and Toxicity Create Autism and Autism-Like Behaviors, Luminara Serdar

And make sure you catch these talks on Tuesday:
+ Viral Load, EBV and Antimicrobial Protocols, Dr. Christopher Motley
+ The Microbiome and Chronic Disease, Kiran Krishnan
+ Surprising New Insights into Candida Infections, Donna Gates
+ How SIBO Perpetuates Infections, Shivan Sarna
+ Persistent Long-Haul COVID and Fatigue, Dr. Evan Hirsch
+ Immunotherapy, Detoxification and Survival Response, Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Plus, when you register now, you’ll also unlock these complimentary gifts:
+ Chronic Illness, Emotions, and Their “Why” eGuide from Dr. Chris Motley
+ Gut Infections 101: SIBO, Leaky Gut and Beyond eGuide from Dr. Chris Motley
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from Infections: Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols from HealthMeans
+ Parasites: The Good and the Bad eBook from HealthMeans

SUBJECT: Join me for The Many Manifestations of Mast Cell Activation Summit

Have you been told you are “sensitive” to everything?

Always trying to avoid what triggers your symptoms?

The long list of MCAS symptoms can be confusing and unpredictable.

Join me to explore the symptoms, triggers and related conditions of MCAS and what you can do to support your health!

The Many Manifestations of Mast Cell Activation will teach you about:

  • Home testing options for mold, chemicals & EMFs
  • Best tests for mycotoxins, histamine, toxins & genetics
  • How to work with an Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP)
  • Best diets for supporting GI health in MCAS patients
  • Using a low histamine diet to reduce inflammation
  • Neurological & psychological manifestations in MCAS
  • Many treatment options for deep healing
  • And so much more!

—>>Find your path to healing when you attend this complimentary, online event!

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