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The mainstream media plays a key role in protecting and furthering the interests of powerful corporate entities, including those that make up the pharmaceutical industry, Big Agriculture, Big Oil and other massively profitable business sectors.

They do so by over-reporting and fear-mongering, as exemplified by the current Zika virus scare, but they also do the bidding of their corporate masters by under-reporting, ignoring and burying stories that might threaten their profit margins or even put them out of business altogether.

Such is the case regarding thimerosal (a vaccine additive which contains as much as 50 percent mercury) and its link to cases of autism in children. It’s true that most people have at least heard something regarding the issue, but all one ever sees in the mainstream news are denials that there is a link, and reassurances by federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the mercury added to vaccines poses no risk to children.

The official CDC stance is: “There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site.”

What if that statement turned out to be a complete falsehood, and the CDC knew all along that there was a clearly demonstrated connection between exposure to mercury in vaccines and a heightened risk of autism?

You would probably expect that story to generate some headlines in the news, right?

The smoking gun

The truth is that it has been undeniably proven, through a whistleblower’s successful efforts to obtain the relevant documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that the CDC indeed did know – all along – that thimerosal in vaccines does indeed cause autism in children.

Dr. Brian Hooker, a PhD scientist whose son developed autism after being injected with a thimerosal-laced vaccine, took it upon himself to force the CDC to reveal what it knew about the dangers of thimerosal.

After 10 years of submitting more than 100 FOIA requests, Dr. Hooker was able to obtain “smoking gun” documents clearly showing that the CDC was well aware of the connection between thimerosal and the incidence of autism and other disorders.
From Health Advice:
“According to Hooker, the data on over 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997, which was analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD, ‘proves unequivocally that in 2000, CDC officials were informed internally of the very high risk of autism, non-organic sleep disorder and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure.'”

How is this not news?

Of course, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, covered the story soon after it broke in May 2016, but aside from his article and a handful of others from independent news agencies, the story never reached the mainstream press.

How is it possible that a story of this magnitude could be completely ignored by the major news outlets?

After all, it would almost certainly be of great interest to the average American – especially parents – and would blow the lid off the collusion between the vaccine industry and the CDC. Is that not important news?

The fact is that the mainstream press is owned by corporate interests, just like our government is, along with all of its agencies – such as the CDC and FDA – and any story that might pose a threat to the corporate overlords is promptly buried under an avalanche of meaningless pseudo-news and distractions like Kim Kardashian’s butt and Donald Trump’s toupee.

You’ll never hear the truth or anything of real importance from CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC or any of the other major news outlets. They are all owned – lock, stock and barrel – by corporate interests, and their mission is not to inform or enlighten, but rather to confuse, distract and befuddle an already dumbed-down populace.

So, if you want the real news, turn off the TV and seek the truth from independent online news sources such as this one – and keep in mind that the mainstream media does not exist to serve your interests, or to tell you the truth about anything.

By Daniel Barker

(Sources:; October 31, 2016;,

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