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Spring is the perfect time to plant those crops so you can eat homegrown organic fruits and veggies.  I am a huge proponent of home gardening.  You really can garden anywhere even if you have grow sprouts on your kitchen counter.  With the state of the food industry, it is more important than ever to grow as much food as you can.  When you grow your own food not only is your energy connected with the plants but you also know what is in the soil and that no pesticides were sprayed on the food your eating.  You are growing organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies. To grow your own food does not have to mean you are spending money on seeds or starters.  In fact, you can re-grow plants from fruits and veggies in your kitchen.

I don’t know about you but I always have a few potatoes in my basket that are beginning to grow little sprouts or eyes.  Rather than tossing them, you can plant them right in the dirt.

Everyone has garlic in their kitchen, and if you don’t you really might want to stock up on this medicinal root.  Garlic is a natural anti-biotic. One of many benefits that garlic has.  Take the garlic bulb apart into cloves.  Plant each clove in the ground and water.  Its that easy. One garlic bulb can make 10 or more new garlic bulbs.

Ginger can be grown in the ground or in pots with healthy nutrient rich soil.  All you have to do is take a piece of ginger root and plant it straight in the ground.  Watered regularly the ginger will be ready to harvest in about 6 months.  Ginger is so good for you especially when you have a queezy tummy.

Pineapple is one of the most unique fruit usually grown in tropical environments.  However it is possible to grow pineapples in more temperate environments too.  Firstly, obtain a pineapple.  Many pineapples are stripped of their inner core, the part that allows them to re-grow so make sure the pineapple you choose has a inside crown.  Pull the entire top off of the pineapple and put in a cup of water.  Once roots appear, plant the top in dirt.  It 2 months you should see the plant established.  The original top will slowly brown and fall.  Continue letting the pineapple grow making sure it is not subject to cold temperatures as watered weekly.

Dry Beans and Legumes
Dry Beans and legumes such as garbanzo, lentils, bush beans, etc. are so easy to grow at home.  They are an excellent source of major nutrients including protein and fiber.  You really can just plant the seeds in dirt and water them regularly and they will grow.  I give my beans and legumes a head start and I sprout them in a jar of water for a few days until I see a sprout and then I plant them in the ground.

Sunflower Seeds
We always have raw sunflower seeds in our kitchen.  There are so many things you can make with them.  Before I use them, I always sprout them first in a glass jar. As soon as I see the little sprout at the end I eat them, cook them or make them into a pate.  I save a few seeds and throw them in my garden.  They will turn into gorgeous sunflowers!

Onions can be planted whole or part of the onion that has the root mass on the bottom.  Once planted in the dirt and watered regularly, the roots at the bottom of the onion will begin to grow.  Green onions will form at the top.  Onions can also be re-grown in water with roots submerged in water, top stick out and placed in front of a window.  You can also grow green onions in a cup of water and cut off the tops as you need them.  They will continue to grow.

Growing Basil couldn’t be easier.  Take a stalk of Basil and simply put it in a jar of water.  Roots will begin to grow out the bottom in about a week. Transplant into the soil.  You will never have to buy Basil again!  You can also do this with other herbs such as mint, rosemary, lemon balm, etc.

Every time you buy a celery stalk replant the bottom and you will grow an entire new celery.  You can plant the celery base straight in the soil or  you can begin the re growth process in a bowl of water, changing the water daily and planting once the celery begins growing which happens in about a week.  The same can be down with Romaine lettuce. Just cut off the base and plant again!

Avocado trees can be grown from the pit of the avocado.  The pit will re grow if you put it in the soil and water regularly.  However, many prefer to start the avocado sprouting indoors.  To do this you place toothpicks (4) in the sides of the avocado pointy side up and rest in a glass of water keeping the bottom half below the tooth picks wet. Put by a window. In about 3 weeks the pit will split upon and the another couple of weeks later the stem should sprout and then leaves from there. This takes about 3 months.  When the tree is about 8 inches pinch the top leaves off and plant in the soil.

Many people get stuck on the idea that gardening is expensive or too much work.  It does not have to be.  Not only are there many ways to re grow your food you can also save the seeds from your produce and plant them in soil. If you have questions or comments please let me know! I love hearing from you! Have you tried re growing your  food scraps?


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