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natural medicine
Hawthorne Solid Extract 4 oz

Hawthorne Solid Extract 4 oz

Hawthorne, an antioxidant and diuretic, is one of the most powerful herbs used by people for ages to treat hypertension, reduce tachycardia, improve circulation and regulate blood pressure.

Hawthorn berries are the most valuable part of the plant due to the main constituents of flavonoids, tannin and cyanogenic glycosides. Working in partnership, these ingredients relax and dilate blood vessels – especially coronary arteries – by blocking the action of the blood-constricting enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), as well as producing a sedative effect on the heart. These actions result in the increase of energy to the heart and improved pumping ability. Also shown to prevent plaque formation in the arteries.

(See Ketchup Recipe)

Serving Size:0.125 Teaspoon Servings Per Container:200

Proprietary Blend: .6 ml Extract Ratio 4:1
Hawthorn (berry)Other Ingredients: Vegetable Glycerine and honey



Horsetail Extract 1oz/4oz

Horsetail Extract 1oz/4oz

Because of its high silica content, horsetail’s historical use has been for conditions involving calcium dysmetabolism of the bones and connective tissue, and as a styptic to stop internal and external bleeding. Horsetail has even been shown to be most beneficial for people who have a history of uric acid kidney stones, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.The diuretic and astringent properties of the plant make it effective in treating genito-urinary tract conditions, bed-wetting, cystitis, menopausal edema, kidney disorders, pelvic disease (with no inflammation), and prostate inflammation. Contains silicic acid which helps heal scar tissue (e.g., pulmonary tissue damaged by tuberculosis).

Product Information

We prepare our Horsetail Extract from fresh (undried) Equisetum arvense plants which are Custom Wildcrafted during the early spring in their natural wild habitat. To assure optimal extraction of Horsetail’s bioactive compounds, we hand-harvest only young infertile plants which are then taken
directly to our laboratory and promptly extracted while still fresh and succulent. Our Horsetail is never fumigated or irradiated.

Dry herb/ menstruum ratio: 2 : 1 Contains certified organic grain alcohol, & Horsetail extractives. 


Iodine Liquid 2 oz

Iodine Liquid 2 oz

Eidon Iodine is a safe and stable form of Iodine, derived from Potassium Iodide. Iodine’s primary role is to support a healthy thyroid gland by activating the production of thyroxine, a hormone that is needed throughout the body for energy production. About 50 to 60 percent of the body’s Iodine is stored in the thyroid gland, the rest is distributed throughout the body, especially in ovaries, breast and prostate tissue, muscles, and blood. Iodine can become depleted when one is exposed to heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and bromide.

Iodine Supports:

• Normal thyroid function
• Regulation of energy production
• Healthy breast and prostate tissue
• Healthy reproductive function
• Nerve and muscle function
• Healthy hair, skin, and bones
• The breakdown of fats and proteins
• When used as a nasal spray, Iodine will kill virus germs that originate and proliferate in the nose

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Drop
Servings Per Container:450

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value:
Iodine (as potassium iodide) 226 mcg 151%Other Ingredients: De-ionized water




Kapha Massage Oil 4 fl oz

Kapha Massage Oil 4 fl oz

Invigorating. Warming. Revitalizing.

• Invigorating herbs that warm and revitalize kapha
• Stimulates the body and sharpens the mind
• Promotes energy and vitality
• Renews the spirit and instills lightness of being
Formulated in a base of organic sesame and sunflower oils, this invigorating Ayurvedic oil blend contains nine organic herbs including punarnava, chitrak, calamus, and rosemary. This energizing blend of herbs is activating and mobilizing, vital for balancing kapha. Vigorous massage with warm herbalized oil reduces kapha by promoting mild sweating, stimulating circulation and cleansing the system. Experience the revitalizing and renewing benefits of Kapha Massage Oil during your daily routine.

Kapha dosha is composed of the elements earth and water. Its main function is stability and structure in the body. Kapha forms the substance of the human body, from the skeleton and organs to the fatty molecules (lipids) that are vital for existence. A stimulating and invigorating massage with this herbalized oil can balance kapha, keeping things moving and bringing energy to the individual.


Kava Kava Root Extra Strength 1oz/2oz

Kava Kava Root Extra Strength 1oz/2oz

The most significant role of the plant observed in the traditional medicine is due to its sedative and relaxing effect, reducing anxiety. Lessens muscle tension and offers a sense of peace, even mild euphoria, and creates a feeling of being more sociable and communicative.

Product Information

Serving Size: 10 Drops

Extract – Kava Kava Root (Piper methysticum)
Whole Plant Standardization Process
Kavalactones (from Kava Kava) 50.0 mg
Other ingredients: 65-75% Pure Grain Alcohol USP, Water.


Laktoferrin (Lactoferrin) 120 vegcaps

Laktoferrin (Lactoferrin) 120 vegcaps

4 month supply

A specific peptide extracted from bovine colostrum (“mother’s first milk”) and possessing iron-binding properties. Lactoferrin is involved in biochemical processes in lymphocytes and in iron metabolism.

Lactoferrin’s job is to grab up the free iron in our bodies, and carry it to the cells where it can be used. Lactoferrin helps with viruses by getting in their way! ARTICLE


Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 120

Amount Per Serving: Lactoferrin (milk) 350 mg

Other Ingredients: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, Nu-MAG® (rice extract, rice hulls, gum arabic, sunflower oil)


Licorice Root Extract 2 oz

Licorice Root Extract 2 oz

Licorice contains vitamin E, B-complex, pantothenic acid, lecithin, biotin, niacin, manganese and other trace elements such as glycyrrhizic acid. Other substances found in the root include gum resin, tannins and oil, providing licorice with tonic and immunity-enhancing properties. Licorice also contains chemicals called triterpenoids – a cancer-blocking substance.
Licorice is useful in treating inflammatory stomach conditions by increasing the production of protective mucus in the stomach. Good to use for ulcers and adrenal insufficiencies. Also has the property of rejuvenating heart, spleen, liver and bloodstream, counteracting stress and treating depression.
Product Information

Serving size: 1 Drop

Servings Per Container: 1200

Licorice Root Extract (1:1)35 mg

Other ingredients:

  • Glycerin
  • Water


LipoCalm 1.7 fl oz

LipoCalm 1.7 fl oz

  • Natural sleep formula to help ease you into a restful night sleep
  • Formulated to help shift you from fight or flight mode to rest, digest, and repair mode
  • Helps to promote a healthy and restorative sleep cycle
  • Liposomal formulation helps nourish cells

Product Information
Serving Size:2 ml
Servings Per Container:25
Amount Per Serving:
Proprietary Blend:350 mg
Phospholipids (from purified sunflower seed lecithin)
Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (as PharmaGABA®)
Liquid Skullcap Herb extract (Scutellaria lateriflora)
Liquid Passion Flower extract (Passiflora incarnata)
Other Ingredients: Chamomile Flower oil, Water, Glycerin, Ethanol, Vitamin E (as Tocofersolan and Natural Mixed Tocopherols)

See additional information below



Liver Health Extract 4oz

Liver Health Extract 4oz

Product Information

– Supports Healthy Liver & Gallbladder Function

Ingredients: Extracts of:
Dandlion root, lf & flr. (Taraxacum off.)
Oregon Grape root (Mahonia (Berberis) aquifolium)
Milk Thistle seed (Silybum marianum)
Artichoke leaf (Cynara scolymus)
Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis)
Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
Other Ingredients: certified organic grain alcohol (60-60%), distilled water & vegetable glycerine.


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