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Parasite Cleanse Full Moon Kit


The brightness of the full moon naturally creates a drop in melatonin production, which downregulates the immune system, setting the conditions for increased parasite activity. Serotonin levels increase at this time which also makes parasites more active. It is best to do a parasite cleanse when they are most active which is around the full moon. The Kit is designed to optimize the body’s natural detoxification processes and nourish your system before, during, and after a full moon.
The supplements in this kit provide key herbs and nutrients to support the body’s natural ability to detoxify during a full moon, including Mimosa pudica seed, amla fruit, black walnut hull, clove bud, holy basil, neem. These ingredients also lend increased support to digestion, the immune system, and the gut microbiome. See additional product information below.

By Valerie Robitaille, PhD. 75 page PDF (Directions for protocol begins on page 74).
Includes simple explanations/diagrams for the following:
Basic food designations (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber and processed food)
Hormones and glands
Digestive health
Liver health
Optimal food portions and shopping list
Why take supplements, and what supplements to take
50 recipes and 50 meal plan examples


My 3-Month Parasite Cleanse

para 1

Para 1 is CellCore’s flagship immune and digestive support supplement, made from 100% pure Mimosa pudica seed. Naturally gelatinous, Para 1 becomes jelly-like and sticky as it makes its way through the GI tract. This encourages the removal of occasional intestinal buildup, supports the gut microbiome, and promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify.

para 2

Para 2 is formulated with a variety of herbs to support immunity and the gut microbiome, as well as promote the body’s natural ability to detoxify. Amla fruit, clove bud, holarrhena, neem leaf, and vidanga fruit team up to optimize digestion, support bowel regularity, and help maintain a healthy gut bacterial balance. Para 2 is gentle on the system and safe to take at any time for digestive support.

para 3

A blend of seven herbs — including clove, black walnut hull, and holy basil — works together to support the body’s natural detoxification processes and gut microbiome. As one of our most potent detoxification support supplements, Para 3’s liquid tincture format allows the ingredients to be absorbed more rapidly and gives patients complete control over dosing to match their comfort levels.

Note:  Because of its potency, Para 3 should be cycled and taken for three weeks on, one week off. The other Para products do not need to be cycled like this.

biotoxin binder

BioToxin Binder promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify. It lends increased support to the gut microbiome, which optimizes immunity and digestive function. The addition of Carbon Technology also supports cellular repair and increased energy production. BioToxin Binder is an ideal first-step detoxification support supplement. We recommend taking it prior to Carboxy, HM-ET Binder, or ViRadChem Binder.

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