It is imperative that our immune systems are being continually built up and strengthened, and our detoxification organs optimized in order to counteract what might be in our food, air, water and environment. Even small improvements in lifestyle can help ward off these foreign invaders. The worst thing we can do is nothing!
Episode 25 – What does the FULL Moon have to do with your Symptoms? Hint: Parasites
Parasitic infections are THE MOST overlooked, and yet critical, step in overcoming chronic health challenges. Especially in very stubborn cases where someone just can’t seem to get well, this is likely THE missing link.
3 Ways To Detox With Iodine
Certain nutrients can “work their magic” by gently helping the body to detoxify on a daily basis. Iodine is at the top of this list of important minerals which can heal as well as cleanse.
3 Ways To Detox With Iodine
Certain nutrients can “work their magic” by gently helping the body to detoxify on a daily basis. Iodine is at the top of this list of important minerals which can heal as well as cleanse.