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covid 19
Updated Boosters Approved for Babies – Zero Data

Updated Boosters Approved for Babies – Zero Data

December 8, 2022, the U.S. government outdid itself yet again, authorizing bivalent COVID jabs for babies as young as 6 months old. These reformulated bivalent shots were authorized for adults based on nothing more than antibody levels in mice just three months earlier.

The Courage To Face Covid-19 with Dr. Peter McCullough

The Courage To Face Covid-19 with Dr. Peter McCullough

Although simple treatment protocols were available, the suppression of these treatments was designed by the bio-pharmaceutical complex to promote fear, suffering, hospitalization and death. It’s in the minds of people to hurt other people right now, and it’s worldwide.

44 things you NEVER knew about lung health [FREE summit]

44 things you NEVER knew about lung health [FREE summit]

Many of us take the health of our lungs for granted until there is a problem, but the pandemic has shown us just how vulnerable our lungs are to infectious diseases and with long hauler syndrome, their potential long-term effects.

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