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Energy Therapy

By Robert Crayhon

My underlying approach to natural healing is energy therapy. This is because energy heals. When the cells of the body have more natural energy, they are able to overcome many ailments both chronic and acute.

Energy therapy is especially effective in people with chronic diseases who have not been helped by medicine, traditional or otherwise. They often have every ailment you can name, and nothing seems to help. Or they may have no real diagnosis, though they may be tired, sluggish in their metabolism, and have a wide range of health complaints.

When illness gets complex, get simple. Use energy therapy.

Energy is crucial to the health of the body. It is no wonder that nearly every great medical tradition in the world is built upon the nurturing of natural energy—vitality. This is something far more different than stimulant energy. Remember: if our body is tired, we can rest and sleep. But if an individual cell runs out of energy, it dies. And accelerated cell death from cells running out of energy is what is causes disease and premature aging.

Energy therapy is a humble way of healing. It gives the body more energy to do with as it likes. It lets the body decide how to use the energy. Your body wants toenergy therapy be radiantly healthy; if you give the cells of the body enough energy, it can.

Body cells need energy to:

  • build and repair tissue
  • take out cellular trash that can poison the body and cause disease
  • defend the body from bacterial and viral invaders
  • regulate organ function
  • help cells talk to each other and create homeostasis

All of this depends on energy. If there is a lack of energy in cells, these things will not happen no matter what else you do. And the more optimal the amount of natural energy cells have, the better all this can happen. It is that simple.

Because energy therapy is a way of letting the body do the healing, it is supportive, not interventive therapy. You almost don’t need a diagnosis of what the chronic disease is when using energy therapy. You can call any chronic illness systemic energy deficiency. You will always be right.

Energy therapy is not a cure for all these ailments: just a logical starting place. It will do no harm, and it will be anywhere from moderately to remarkably helpful.

Natural medicine is supposed to get to the cause of disease. Energy therapy does that.

Whether it is candida overgrowth, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, immune weakness, treating the symptoms is not enough. We must try to understand how it all started if we want to have a true solution. And the start of so many diseases is a lack of energy in cells.

Overstressing the body is a main cause of disease, and energy therapy helps to deal with this problem. How? Cells that are particularly susceptible to the damage of stress are neurons or nerve cells.   And much of the disease results because the nervous system in particular is stressed. Stress kills because it does something terrible to the nervous system: it stops its ability to regulate stress. And when the nervous system can no longer regulate stress, stress hormones go to high and destroy the body over time.

Aging is the gradual loss of the body’s ability to regulate stress which results in a loss of health. Increasing energy in cells slows aging by helping the body to regulate stress better, and therefore better maintain balance in the body called health.

Energy stops stress from killing our nerve cells that regulate stress.   Energy keeps nerve cells and their receptors better able to stay in control of the body so that stress does not get out of control and cause disease.

Energy therapy is simple: give the cells of the body an increased ability to make more energy naturally, and let the cells of the body decide what to do. I have tried this in cases of chronic disease when I have run out of ideas and it has been very helpful. It is not a cure. But I feel that it has helped many people, and it is a logical place to start. Core energy therapy strategies:


Moderate exercise that is not to stressful, such as walking. Strength training is also an absolute must. Such two forms of exercise should be done as regularly as possible, and not to the point of exhaustion, but only as long as it is enjoyable and rejuvenating. For some this will mean 10 minutes of exercise three times per week. Others will benefit from more. But some exercise must be done.


Protein at each meal, ideally high-quality animal protein from wild game, seafood or lean meats. Vegetarian protein may be used but can be difficult to digest for some. No sugars, margarine or refined vegetable oils. Avoid a diet high in carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, bagels and sugars. These interfere with energy production in most of the chronically ill people I see.

Eat lots of green vegetables. If possible, drink two to three 8-ounce glasses per day of vegetable juice, freshly made only from green vegetables (celery, spinach, dandelion, zucchini work well). Avoid fruits and fruit juices.

Also, check for Candida, food allergies, and viruses.


Robert Crayhon 1961-2010

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