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Below is a video of my first attempt to examine blood under the microscope using a dark instead of bright field. I put the footage to music because I’m not yet sure what I’m looking at and don’t want to misspeak. But you can see there’s a lot of activity, and this activity should not be seen in the blood! This is what everyone’s blood looks like now, other researchers corroborate this finding in all blood samples taken. The sample shown is mine, unvaccinated and as healthy as I can be.

I am fully convinced the cause of this foreign invader is “chemtrails.” Cliff Carnicom first discovered these “dots” almost 30 years ago and called them cross-domain bacteria because they didn’t fit neatly into just one kind of bacteria. They traveled and grew into filaments, however, the fact that these now blink different colors makes it more likely they are synthetic, or biosynthetic since they depend on the blood.

One thing I do know about what’s going on here, having watched other researchers’ findings in dark field, is that the energy from the blood is being harvested and used to grow structures. You’ll be able to see this process. With more time and experience, I should be able to capture the presence of hydrogel activity and filament growth, and offer explanations.

Access to high-end lab equipment is severely limited in the country I live in so I may not have the best results possible, but it’s a start! Next step is to put a mixture of EDTA and Vitamin C onto a slide, add a drop of blood and see what happens. Hopefully, I won’t see the glowing dots. Several practitioners are recommending this program to eliminate the foreign structures in the blood which I’ll be taking and checking my blood. I’ll keep you all posted.




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