In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum exposes the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God’s natural creation with synthetic biology.
The Technology Used In The Covid Agenda – Injected People Emit EMF (video interview with Maria Zeee, Hope & Tivon)
Hope and Tivon join Maria Zeee on the Stew Peters Network to discuss the advanced technologies that they are putting inside of humans without our knowledge through the Covid agenda.
Dr. Robert Malone talks mRNA, FDA criminality, depopulation and WEF agendas with Mike Adams
Why Dr. Malone invented key mRNA technologies decades ago; How the tech has been exploited by today’s pharma companies to harm billions; Dr. Malone unloads on FDA criminality and other sensitive topics; Dr. Malone answers false accusations about links to the CIA; How the mRNA tech really works and WHY it takes so long to clear from the body
NWO Vaccine Plan, 5G, Human Magnetism and how to detox graphene oxide (Parts 1&2)
Researchers Hope & Tivon join Sean at SGT Report to share critical information about the covid vaccines which, in addition to the genetic component (mRNA), contain dangerous metals, parasites and other nanoparticles that should not be in our bodies.