With accelerated aging, chronic disease and a growing sense of depletion having reached epidemic proportions, modern medicine and human health are at a critical crossroads. The truth is that YOU, and not your genes, are in control of your health and wellness destiny.
[FREE Encore] Learn to care for your fascia & alleviate chronic pain… in ONE weekend
Gain a next-level understanding of how the human body works and learn how you can optimize your health and live a pain-free life by keeping your fascia healthy with simple practices that take just minutes a day.
Early registration for the Regenerate Yourself Masterclass
Encoded within every tissue of your body is the ability to regenerate — mechanisms that provide you with the right to a life of joy and vitality.
44 things you NEVER knew about lung health [FREE summit]
Many of us take the health of our lungs for granted until there is a problem, but the pandemic has shown us just how vulnerable our lungs are to infectious diseases and with long hauler syndrome, their potential long-term effects.
11 Microbiome Health eBooks & Guides
With 18,220 downloads and growing – there are a number of complimentary eBooks and guides available from Engineering Your Microbiome talking about your microbiome health – until Tuesday.Whether you attended the event or not, you’ll find some incredible wisdom in these healthy assets written by some of the top minds in natural health.
Early registration for Engineering Your Microbiome
If you’ve tried everything to feel better, have more energy, feel less stress and lose weight with...
Transforming your health STARTS with FOOD [new summit] Early Registration
“What should I eat?” This is a question health practitioners get asked all of the...
New – The Biology of Trauma 2.0 Online and Free Starts Tomorrow!
Life is stressful. No one these days is untouched by trauma.Mental health challenges, addictions,...
Cure Arthritis Naturally
Arthritis is a broad term which we use to describe a group of over 100 diseases that affect these areas of the body. Wherever there is a problem involving inflammation around the joints and associated discomfort in movement, we refer to it as arthritis despite the multiple different causes that can lead to this. The other common name that is used in the same broad fashion is rheumatism.