Bringing Healing To The Table
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Latest from the Blog
Podcast Series 2, Ep. 1: Dr. Peter McCullough and Alex Jones, Medical/Bioscientific Deep State
“There is a deep state that people think about with the intelligence agencies and the military, but people don’t think about the medical and bioscientific deep state, and it exists.”
Monkey Pox, Zeolite Wars, NanoBots in Everything – New Interview with Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Monkey Pox, Zeolite, Nanobots and going under the microscope with dark field microscopy to uncover what’s in the jab is ALSO in our water, air & food supply!
Dr. William Makis: Consultations for treatment of [Turbo] Cancer
From Dr. Makis:Over the past few months, I have received thousands of requests for help with Cancer, from people who have been betrayed, mistreated or abandoned by their doctors.Due to this unprecedented demand for help, and the failure of medicine and especially...