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Stop 5G Effects: Consider A Heavy Metal Detox/Orgonite (video)

Stop 5G Effects: Consider A Heavy Metal Detox/Orgonite (video)

In a sea of electromagnetic radiation, when you have heavy metals in your body, your body essentially becomes an antenna to these lethal signals. Ask yourself what happens when you put metal in the microwave? When one considers the numerous ways we take on heavy metals from the environment, unless you are already on a heavy metal detox regime, chances are you are toxic.

Awesome Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

Awesome Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

The Craniosacral rhythm is felt as a wave motion moving side to side. When an area is restricted or blocked, the rhythm sometimes feels jittery, uneven, or irregular. Using an extremely light touch, therapists hold areas that are restricted or not moving correctly and follow the movement of the fascia and/or energy and patiently wait for restrictions to let go.

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